Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Professor Huang Yusheng of People's University of China

Professor Huang Yusheng is the deputy director of Criminal Law Center at the People's University of China.

In the Huang Jing case of 2008, Huang advocate Huang, a consumer, committed crime when asking for a proper compensation from a computer manufacture ASUS on a flawed product. ASUS uses 'engineering edition' CPU in their consumer computers. Engineering edition CPU are flawed CPU released by Intel for testing purpose. They should have been destroyed, instead of entering the market.

In April 2011, Professor Huang spoke through CCTV that some people conspired to overthrow the government with their opinions posted online 'with one gentle click of the mouse'. The talk was used to justify recent crackdown on online speeches. More than 1000 bloggers were arrested and hundreds of websites were shut down.

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